Sunday, August 7, 2016

I am thankful for the Sabbath

I am sitting here just resting after we attended our church meetings, enjoying the peacefulness of the day. I am really grateful that Heavenly Father has set apart Sunday's as his day, a day we can reflect on our spiritual well being and come closer to Him and his Son. Now I would love to say that as for me and my family Sundays always look picture perfect: my husband and I sitting together reading scriptures as our children listen intently after we have come home from a relaxing day at church. Yum not so much here's the reality of it...Most Sunday mornings I usually have the same talk with my six year old that  he has to go to church no matter how boring church can be. My husband is off to meetings way before any of us are out of bed leaving me to prod my  reluctant six year old to get dressed and eat  before we head off. After the kids are dressed and ready we head to church usually just before they say the sacrament meeting opening prayer . After the prayer then both my kids ask for snacks and a drink. I grew up thinking I would have the luxury of having my husband sitting with our family without our church meetings but it seems that since the beginning of our marriage he has been some sort of leadership calling making that not so much possibility. Please don't get me wrong I am not venting here just giving you a little peak into our not  so picture perfect Sundays. After church I am usually tried and plop down for a nap while the kids play outside or get into something. My husband comes home from his meeting just in time for dinner and on some Sunday's he's off to another after we have a quick family meal that evening. There are  some Sundays  where we get to have  family time and the evening together.  However admits the whirlwind of it all I am really grateful for Sunday and the fact the we have the opprotunity to work on making  it a different day.... (and our Sabbaths are definitely a work in progress).  A day we focus on things of a spiritual nature. A day to serve , a day to rest, a day to reflect and give thanks. And as we truly make an effort to make it the Lords day I know the Lord will bless us with happier homes and lives.
I was on the other day and came across this blog post about making the Sabbath day holier and more of a delight.  I am going to try these ideas out and hope  you find them helpful.

Happy Sabbath!!
❤️ Bethany

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